Programme for 2025
Thursday 2nd January
Speaker: Luke Paddon
Subject: Haven House, India
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: John Turner & John Welsby
Thursday 16th January
Speaker: Bernard Merrick
Subject: It's Only a Glove
Speaker's Friend: Helen Bishop
Tea/Coffee: John Turner& Pat Moore
Thursday 30th January
Speaker: Brian Griffiths
Subject: Come to Madeira
Speaker's Friend: Peter Blackmore
Tea/Coffee: Brian Bloomfield & Barrie Cook
Thursday 6th February
Speaker: Chris Bigg
Subject: Brunel's Bristol
Speaker's Friend: Sarah Chivers
Tea/Coffee: John Welsby &James Bayley
Thursday 20th February
Speaker: Dave Hartnell
Subject: Cactus Country
Speaker's Friend: Dave Priddey
Tea/Coffee: Janet Ashman & Pauline Spencer
Speaker: Luke Paddon
Subject: Haven House, India
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: John Turner & John Welsby
Thursday 16th January
Speaker: Bernard Merrick
Subject: It's Only a Glove
Speaker's Friend: Helen Bishop
Tea/Coffee: John Turner& Pat Moore
Thursday 30th January
Speaker: Brian Griffiths
Subject: Come to Madeira
Speaker's Friend: Peter Blackmore
Tea/Coffee: Brian Bloomfield & Barrie Cook
Thursday 6th February
Speaker: Chris Bigg
Subject: Brunel's Bristol
Speaker's Friend: Sarah Chivers
Tea/Coffee: John Welsby &James Bayley
Thursday 20th February
Speaker: Dave Hartnell
Subject: Cactus Country
Speaker's Friend: Dave Priddey
Tea/Coffee: Janet Ashman & Pauline Spencer
Programme for 2024
Retained for reference
Thursday 4th January
Speaker: Alan Wallington for Graham Walker
Subject: Post Christmas Excravaganza
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: John Turner & John Welsby
Thursday 18th January
Speaker: Alan Wallington for Graham Walker
Subject: Music from the Land of Song
Speaker's Friend: Ken Spilman
Tea/Coffee: John Turner
Thursday 15th February
Speaker: Elaine Cook
Subject: Keynsham Abbey
Speaker's Friend: James Bayley
Tea/Coffee: Barrie Cook & Dave Moore
Thursday 29th February - Ladies Day
Speaker: Alan Freke
Subject: Frenchay Hospital's Hidden History
Speaker's Friend: Ken Sheppard
Tea/Coffee: James Bayley & Barry Dibble
Thursday 7th March
Speaker:Mary Cowerd
Subject: The Clifton Observatory
Speaker's Friend: Val Ball
Tea/Coffee: Peter Blackmore & Brian Bloomfield
Thursday 21st March
Speaker: Dave Hartnell
Subject: Route 66
Speaker's Friend: Sarah Chivers
Tea/Coffee: Bryan Rowe & Alan Snook
Thursday 4th April
Speaker: Brian Rutter
Subject: Tax, Care & Toy Boys
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: Graham Walker & John Welsby
Thursday 18th April
Speaker: Gary Gowens
Subject: Cave Art of SW France
Speaker's Friend: Alan Snook
Tea/Coffee: Stan Cruse & Ron Beer
Thursday 2nd May
Speaker: Roger Windsor
Subject: Hanham Past & Present
Speaker's Friend: Graham Walker
Tea/Coffee: Val Ball & Sarah Chivers
Thursday 16th May
Speaker: Brian Griffiths
Subject: A Shropshire Lad
Speaker's Friend: Ken Spilman
Tea/Coffee: Peter Blackmore & Brian Bloomfield
Thursday 30th May - Ladies Day
Speaker: Mike Britton
Subject: Images of Change from the 1930's
Speaker's Friend: John Welsby
Tea/Coffee: Barrie Cooke & Dave Moore
Thursday 6th June
Speaker: David Cheesley
Subject: Motoring Memories
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: Bryan Rowe & Ken Sheppard
Thursday 20th June
Speaker: Bob Rogers
Subject: The Eagle Has Landed
Speaker's Friend: Val Ball
Tea/Coffee: Ken Spilman & John Welsby
Thursday 4th July
Speaker: Chris Bigg
Subject: Concorde - Queen of the Skies (part 1)
Speaker's Friend: James Bayley
Tea/Coffee: Val Ball and Bryan Rowe
Thursday 18th July
Speaker: Jackie Baker
Subject: Downend & Bromley Heath in Bloom
Speaker's Friend: Val Ball
Tea/Coffee: Sarah Chivers & Pat Moore
Thursday 1st August
Speaker: Karen Whiles
Subject: Caring for our Feet
Speaker's Friend: Bryan Rowe
Tea/Coffee: Ron Beer &James Bayley
Thursday 15th August
Speaker: Pat Bye
Subject: A Journey to Poland
Speaker's Friend: Sarah Chivers
Tea/Coffee: Peter Blackmore & Brian Bloomfield
Thursday 29th August - Ladies Day
Speaker: Richard Lunn
Subject: Concorde - The Dramway
Speaker's Friend: Peter Blackmore
Tea/Coffee: Barrie Cook & Dave Priddey
Thursday 5th September
Speaker: Katie Bell
Subject: Behind the Curtain at the Bristol Hippodrome
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: Bryan Rowe & Ken Sheppard
Thursday 19th September
Speaker: Jenny Benson
Subject: Great Western Air Ambulane Charity
Speaker's Friend: Barrie Cook
Tea/Coffee: Ken Spliman & Graham Walker
Thursday 3rd October
Speaker: Rob Jones
Subject: Serial Killer, My Part in his Downfall
Speaker's Friend: David Priddey
Tea/Coffee: John Welsby & Eric Arnold
Thursday 17th October
Speaker: Bob Rogers
Subject: Nightmare at Scapa Flow
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: Val Ball & Rita Carmody
Thursday 31st October - Ladies Day
Speaker: Tim Mayo
Subject: Nothing Like a Dame
Speaker's Friend: Ken Sheppard
Tea/Coffee: Sarah Chivers & Pat Moore
Thursday 7th November
Speaker: Bernard Purrier
Subject: The Whale & Dolphin Trust
Speaker's Friend: Eric Arnold
Tea/Coffee: Ron Beer & James Bayley
Thursday 21st November
Speaker: Garry Atterton
Subject: Home of the Bristol Poor in Victorian Times
Speaker's Friend: Ken Spilman
Tea/Coffee: Peter Blackmore & Brian Bloomfield
Thursday 5th December
AGM followed by
Speaker: Graham Walker
Subject: It's Christmas Time
Tea/Coffee: Barrie Cook & Dave Priddey
Thursday 26th December
Closed for Christmas